NEWBIE NETWORKING (Newbie edition 5)

3 min readMay 23, 2024


Hello there,

Newbie here,

In this blog we sre going to learn about the bare lecturer of Computer Networking , yes because in my opinion the studying theory in networking was different compared to another topics of tech ,so i just started bare littles hint’s about networking in this part of blog , Hope you are enjoying that.

Computer networking is everywhere , that the place we work , we learn , we play and do lot’s of things in this era.A computer Netwoking is the set of nodes connected by the Communicational links.A node can be Computer, Printer, or any capable of devices such as switch, router and hub.The word switch, router , hub could not doesn’t sense of you now , i will provide a brief explanation about that here after :)that was considered as an intermediate devices,Acommunication link can be a wired link or wirelessless link .Computer networks are mainly used for resource sharing.

Today resource sharing is the part of the functionalities in the netwoking field, see how networking are developed.Some of the basic characteristics of computer networks are the main key objectives of networking ,

there are,

  1. Fault Tolerance
  2. Scalability
  3. Quality of service(QOS)
  4. security

Fault Tolerence :

Fault Tolerence or (ft) is an major factors in networking , because the ability of Computer Networks , continue working without an failure, also fault tolerenc eensure no loss of service,for the example in the newbie term if you going to work in the monday morning , you take the default pathway to go for the office , but that day the road was blocked for construction work or something else, what would you do ? you just go back to your home ofcourse not!! you just find the another way to go for an office,That was called Fault Tolerence , if the one networks pathway either break or failed at that time , the certain data should be delivered right designation , eventhough that failure happens :)


Scalability is Scale you network as much as easily , As an upcoming network engineer , this scalability thing must you have to own by yourself when you design an network pattern , the first factor was checked as the scalability of network , Scalabilty means ;

  • The ability to grow the network based on their needs.
  • Have good performance after you scale the network.

Quality of service(QOS):

Quality of service or QOS referred to the ability to

  • Set priorities

the term set priorities means priorities the real time communications, over the another type of communications. for example you the guy consider as a router for sometimes 😅your main job was receive the data packets and set to the correct location , in that time you received two data packets , one data was sent to immediately without ant time delay , another one was no time retrictions , which one would you sent first , the type type of data which was immediate time retrictions , yessss a network design will always keep an eye on those prioritising the network.

  • Manage data traffic to reduce data loss, delay etc.


The network security were have the diffrent wage path of the tech world ,By the Way network security is very essential for every network aspects,in the laymen terms the network security was the ability to prevent:

  • Unauthorized access.
  • Misuse.
  • Forgery

The ability to provide:

  • Confidentiality.
  • Intergrity.
  • Availability.

okay, that was the four major characterictics were ever networks deserve , this was the four aspects of perfect networking spectrum.I hope this four key characterics was understand for you. 😻




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