2 min readJul 10, 2023

Little life quotes for motivation

Whenever we think that we are in the right path,and desired hopes and dreams at the end of the day or some for the time we get stuck and stumbled especially me in learning DSA ( data structures and algorithms)right now .

So that’s the main reason was the procastination ,yes personally my lazy ness also,🥲to settle this conflict get a rid my procastination,here some beautiful tips and tricks i follow when i demotivated to learn DSA

  • Take to learn and research two and more streams and sites especially when you are interested in coding as a web developer and you reserch get you know different domain like mobile dev or dev- ops ,try to learn little bit about that when you are getting bored while you learning web development,that was a good thing to trick your brain to stick with coding learning environment ✨
  • Track the time that you spend in social media ,i don’t say to don’t use social media ,but get that accurate time bound less the time in half ,and use the balance time to improve minor skills and habits ,for example if you are spend social media 2hours per day ,less the time in to half and use the time to reading blogs ,articles and make that habit as well ❤️‍🩹 also you learn many alternatives things like to learn version control system (git) ,Docker cs fundamentals etc…
  • That was two trick i learn till now but following this way ,this habit is also have pros and cons
  • Pros
  • Known about more streams and technologies
  • Apart from learning use your time wisely,not to addict in social media
  • When its habitual , for long days you feel to get confidence about you and your learning curve
  • Cons
  • Overthinking
  • They were no cons in this curve ,however main one thing is underestimate ourself , overthinking causes from this, when you following one healthy learning habit , sometimes you feel like that enough to get in to the area,you get demotivated and stop the learning habit and try to jump another category learning path,this was one worth thing to waste your time ,”consistency is key to success “never forget about that ,you should stick with one path and fo that consistency thing ,and whatever that is some of the day yourself also fell that improvement, just stick …………………..✨🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

LINKEDIN : ajrun afsana


Introducing myself tech enthusiastic, great spectator of youtube,love to read tech related articles ,self improvement,tech and science and more ...