GIT — For Newbie(1)

2 min readMay 11, 2024


Hello there , newbie again .Apologize for the delay of networking series and i wanted to tell you that i wanted to add some of the Version Control System — generally known as VCS tool in my new series , recently i grap one of the amazing course on youtube which from freecodecamp youtube channel,yes here are the few key point’s i wanted to put this git series of GIT FOR NEWBIE okeyyy let’s start,

Basically git was the Open source version Control System , that used for control your flow of code and that you can save edit your code as much as you like , even the git tool software source code also , everyone can see them .that’s why there are called Open source , and you know who was the founder of git yes …… the founder of The great linux “ LINUS TORVALDS” while he building and developing the linux os , he faced some of the issues like , manage and track the flow of code , and he find the amazing solution .Rest of the history git was made :)

Git was so light weight and it’s easy to learn , it’s seems like an time travel of your code,one of my tech mentor describe about git, Nowadays software engineers not used git for soley they used git with the additional software tools like Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab etc… Then what is the difference between Git and those softwares , well they used to give us an interactive UI for those who learn and use git 😸.those softwares provide lot’s of features and services along with git .




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