Basic’s of Networking (Newbie Edition 2)

5 min readMar 19, 2024


Hello again , This is newbie Here 😃

newbie networking

Today we are continues the network topic again,Today i talk about Client -Server communication ,every computer could be an server or client ,first i cam to know about this information ,i was bit suprised because i thought , an basic computer hardware build was different and the server hardware build was differently new thing 😅..i am newbie in tech by the wayy.The whole networking topologies client and server plays important roles for that,in the networking world our daily use computer (client)also called as host .All computers connected to a network that participate directely in network communication are classicfied as hosts.Hosts(client) can send and receive messages on the network.Hosts can send and receive messages on the network.

In modern networks, computer hosts can act as a client, a server, or both.
The software installed on the computer determines which role the computer plays.Yes…. software matters ;)The major difference between consumer grade computers or high-end server was the speed, size,performance of those devices , but the computer hardware architecture was same majorly :)

Client and server software usually run on separate computers, but it is also possible for one computer,to run both client and server software at the same time.
Server are basically expensive that normal computers, The installastion would be expensive,Installing and Maintaining server and configuring server requires more knowledge,that’s a bummer In small businesses and homes, many computers function as the servers and clients on the network.many computer could be work as a server and client on the same network , on the same machine :0
This type of network is called a P2P network. [p2p — peer to peer communication] some examples of p2p communications,

  1. P2P technology can be used for instant messaging applications. For instance, applications such as Skype and WhatsApp use P2P communication to enable users to chat and make voice and video calls directly with each other.without the help of other mobile applications ,you just give an allow to access the contacts, media .Messages and media files are exchanged between users without needing a central server.
  2. File sharing in the local network is also an peer to peer communication.
  3. If you have an computer and a printer , you want to print some document on you printer , you just connect the printer in your computer for printout the document , this is also an peer to peer communication network , no third level of network devices are needed ,and no client — server communications are needed .

P2P networks are easy to set up, less complex, lower in cost, and can be used for simple tasks such as transferring files and sharing printers.
However, there is no centralized administration. They have less security, are not scalable, and can perform slower.

In larger businesses, because of the potential for high amounts of network traffic, it is often necessary to have dedicated servers to support the number of service requests.


There are symbols that represent various types of networking equipment. The network infrastructure is the platform that supports the network. It provides the stable and reliable channel over which our communications can occur.

The network infrastructure contains three categories of hardware components:

1. End devices.

2. Intermediate devices.

3. Network media.

Hardware is often the visible components of the network platform such as a laptop, PC, switch, router, wireless access point, or the cabling used to connect the devices. Components that are not visible include wireless media.
1. End devices, or hosts(client) form the interface between users and the underlying communication network. Some examples of end devices include:

  • Computers (workstations, laptops, file servers, web servers)
  • Network printers
  • Telephones and teleconferencing equipment
  • Security cameras
  • Mobile devices (such as smartphones, tablets, PDAs, and wireless debit/credit card readers and barcode scanners)

2. Intermediate Devices are include:

  • Switch
  • Router
  • Wireless Access point
  • Modem
  • Hub

3. Network Media :

  • Twisted pairs [Ethernet ,for ex: RJ 45]
  • Fiber Optic Cables.
  • Coaxical Cables[in my point of view ,another name was television cable].

Ok, we are learned about the attire basics things of networking journey, as i start over ,after we should able to know , who are providing the internet ? whos is giving me the acccess to surf the internet?Well , that was [ISP — Internet Service Provider] ISP is a company that provides access to the internet. ISPs can provide this access through multiple means, including dial-up, DSL, cable, wireless and fiber-optic connections. A variety of companies serve as ISPs, including cable providers, mobile carriers, and telephone companies.That company was like Airtel , Jio,Vodofone,Bsnl,Act fiber ….etc.

An ISP provides the link between the home network and the internet. An ISP can be the local cable provider, a landline telephone service provider, the cellular network that provides your smartphone service, or an independent provider who leases bandwidth on the physical network infrastructure of another company.

i searched in google , “networking image” google was given this pic.

Each ISP connects to other ISPs to form a network of links that interconnect users all over the world. ISPs are connected in a hierarchical manner that ensures that internet traffic generally takes the shortest path from the source to the destination.

The interconnection of ISPs that forms the backbone of the internet is a complex web of fiber-optic cables with expensive networking switches and routers that direct the flow of information between source and destination hosts.

For a home user, connecting to the ISP is a fairly uncomplicated process. This is the most common connection option. It consists of using a wireless integrated router to connect to the ISP. The router includes a switch to connect wired hosts and a wireless AP to connect wireless hosts. The router also provides client IP addressing information and security for inside hosts. The two most common methods are cable and DSL. Other options include cellular, satellite, and dial-up telephone.

I hope it will help for you , If you like my blogs gives an 👏 ,This is very motivating to me to write more blog like this ; If you have any Queries reach the comment section , i will reply you as soon as possible 😄

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